Like any industry association, the CFA relies on the talent and expertise that exists within our member companies to help us address challenges and maximize opportunities.

The Committee Member of the Year Award celebrates the outstanding efforts of a member of a CFA committee or working group that supported the goals and objectives of CFA as well as the sector.
Given his refining expertise, his lengthy experience, the breadth and depth of his environmental knowledge and his interpersonal skills, Martin’s nomination was unanimous.
For about fifteen or so years, Martin has been participating in the work of various CFA committees. The National Climate Change Committee looks at issues relating to the carbon tax, Output-Based Pricing Systems, the Clean Fuel Regulations and Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms.
The National Environment Committee, CFA’s central body that oversees other technical committees, handles issues concerning atmospheric emissions generated by refining activities (VOCs, SO2, NOx), air and water quality, the management of chemical products such as fluorine compounds, waste management, etc. In all, Martin is involved in five CFA committees, acting as a spokesperson for Energie Valero’s issues and interests in these specialized forums.