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by Canadian Fuels Association

CFA 2024 Community Champion Award Winner – Life in the Heartland: Fostering Community Engagement and Industry Trust 

 |  Canadian Fuels Association, CFA Awards of Excellence

Life in the Heartland has been recognized with the CFA 2024 Community Champion Award, shining as a model of community engagement and transparency within Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Founded in 2009 through a formal partnership between four local organizations, its mission is to inform, educate, and involve residents in the region’s industrial activities and projects shaping their communities.  

Life in the Heartland maintains a robust connection with its community through a variety of initiatives. Quarterly newsletters provide updates on industry activities, while “Heartland 101” bulletins delve into specific topics of interest during off-months. Bi-annual open houses serve as crucial events, offering residents the chance to interact directly with industry representatives, fostering the dialogue necessary for mutual understanding.  

“When you see a local resident in a great conversation with a plant manager at a community information evening, you know there’s a valuable exchange of information and perspective. It’s these kinds of conversations that bridge communities and industry, with Life in the Heartland playing a vital role in that link,” says Vanessa Goodman, HSE and Communications Manager at North West Redwater Partnership’s (NWR) Sturgeon Refinery. NWR is a CFA member and nominated Life in the Heartland for the Community Champion Award.

Emphasizing their dedication to community involvement, Life in the Heartland strives to create an environment where open communication and engagement are paramount. 

“Life in the Heartland is committed to improving resident awareness about existing industrial operations and facilitating a two-way dialogue between the community and industry. We provide residents with access to relevant information and offer a channel for community concerns to be heard and addressed, making residents active participants in the region’s development,” says Sheena Fitzpatrick, Community Engagement Director at Life in the Heartland.  

Life in the Heartland continually innovates to meet community needs. They extend their reach utilizing digital tools such as podcasts and webinars, while public perception surveys and community feedback mechanisms shape program development. Embracing technology enhances public engagement and positions the initiative at the forefront of industry-community relations.  

The success of Life in the Heartland is attributed to deep collaboration. “We work closely with local companies, municipalities, and community organizations. By building relationships we’re creating a more engaged community that fosters social license for industry companies operating in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland,” says Sheena. Life in the Heartland’s approach shows that having strong community connections helps ensure that engagement efforts remain effective while addressing evolving community needs. 

Rapid regional growth poses challenges, but also opportunities for expansion and innovation. Life in the Heartland has adapted by diversifying outreach strategies and intensifying engagement activities in smaller communities within the Heartland, so that all residents, regardless of their location, have a voice in the region’s development.  

For organizations looking to replicate or enhance community engagement efforts, Life in the Heartland offers clear guidance. “Prioritize two-way dialogue, actively seek feedback, and tailor initiatives to meet community needs. Building relationships based on trust and understanding is key to sustaining long-term engagement and fostering a supportive community environment,” advises Sheena.  

Life in the Heartland’s commitment to community involvement and industry transparency sets a commendable standard. As they continue to evolve and innovate, their impact on fostering resilient, thriving communities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland remains a testament to effective community engagement practices. 

Learn more about Life in the Heartland here. 

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